So here comes step three, where we modify the layout shell XML to fit the 3D overlay elements. They retain their old position, while the UI adapts to the new screen. If we modify only the camera XML, we get something I have not pictured, where the 3D UI elements like zoo fame stars and animal selector do not appear where they're supposed to be, but closer to the middle. You can also see it was not supposed to be rendered like that because the shadow fades out in that area - look at the zoowall. So what was black before is now actually rendered. This gives us the correct aspect ratio back, you will notice that you can overlay image one onto image three, and image 3 contains additional view at the sides. Now comes step two: Here we add in the Z2F with the modified camera XMLs. The result is image two in post #1 - it is pretty much the same as image one stretched to fit, just without quality loss. But everything in the 3D window is slightly wider than it's supposed to be. You don't really notice it, because it's already rendered with that stretch, so you don't get a loss in render quality.
Step one is just modifying the EXE so it fills the screen correctly, at the resolution we want.īut then it still renders as if it was a 4:3 resolution that means you get it nicely crisp, but it's actually stretched.